About Us
Best Suppliers and Manufacturers
Vpura Sea Decking
Vpura® is one of the top choices for boat and yacht decking suppliers and manufacturers. It mimics the elegance of teak wood while offering the superior durability of both wood and plastic. Waterproof and long-lasting, Vpura® Synthetic Teak Decking is the go-to product for yachts and boats. We are committed to continuous innovation, delivering high-quality solutions, and providing the best decking options for both yacht manufacturers and owners.
Vpura Synthetic Teak Decking
Vpura synthetic teak marine decking, available in various colors and stripe designs, adds a touch of elegance and glamour to your yacht.
Design and Innovation Applications
Explore the seamless integration of cutting-edge design and advanced applications, where innovation meets functionality to create exceptional solutions.

enew Eco-Friendly, Versatile, Recyclable
Vpura Sea Decking
The prefabricated sections can be fully bonded to the substructure, whether it is aluminium, steel, GRP or mineral based. Because of the high flexibility it can be used almost everywhere. EcoDeck® is eco-friendly and is produced with renewed and solvent free resins. At the end of its life cycle EcoDeck® can be recycled to be used in new products.
Blog & News
Vpura is the best producer and supplier of synthetic teak yacht deck.
How we can help you?
You can contact our head-office directly, also you can contact our agent which is near you. Of course, free live-chat is available and you can get help immediately.